Our most senior baby, Ella is tiny but mighty! She spends her day flipping blankets up and snuggling under them. Our favorite game it "Where's Ella?" LOL!

Our sweet Abby just completed heartworm treatment. She is gaining strength to prepare for a mammary tumor removal. Despite all this, she just loves everyone- but watch your fingers when giving her treats LOL!

Sweet Chloe, how did such a beautiful girl find herself wandering the streets at her age with matted fur and kidney disease? We will keep you looking gorgeous from now on, little miss princess of hugs!

Found in a parking lot at only 22 lbs, (half her healthy weight), Fancy is living the good life with a comfy spot on the couch and loving belly rubs!

Found wandering the streets with a hunting collar on, this old girl is suffering from liver problems, but she is obsessed with the little people that visit her every weekend and loves a comfy bed!

There is no slowing down this girl! She may be a senior, but you definitely can't tell by her energy level! She lives for tug-of-war or a ride in the truck to go fishing!

Abandoned by her family who moved and left her behind, she literally leapt into our arms when we went to get her from the shelter. The sweetest dog on the planet, Phoebe contracted diabetes and went completely blind in a matter of weeks. She doesn't let it slow her down for a second!

Sweet Noelle lived in a small cage outside for her 9 years of living before being removed. Most of her teeth are wittled away from trying to chew her way out of that cage. We call her "hummingbird tail" because it wags so fast! She loves stuffies and kisses all day!


Our most senior baby, Ella is tiny but mighty! She spends her day flipping blankets up and snuggling under them. Our favorite game it "Where's Ella?" LOL!

Our sweet Abby just completed heartworm treatment. She is gaining strength to prepare for a mammary tumor removal. Despite all this, she just loves everyone- but watch your fingers when giving her treats LOL!

Sweet Chloe, how did such a beautiful girl find herself wandering the streets at her age with matted fur and kidney disease? We will keep you looking gorgeous from now on, little miss princess of hugs!

Found in a parking lot at only 22 lbs, (half her healthy weight), Fancy is living the good life with a comfy spot on the couch and loving belly rubs!

Found wandering the streets with a hunting collar on, this old girl is suffering from liver problems, but she is obsessed with the little people that visit her every weekend and loves a comfy bed!

There is no slowing down this girl! She may be a senior, but you definitely can't tell by her energy level! She lives for tug-of-war or a ride in the truck to go fishing!

Abandoned by her family who moved and left her behind, she literally leapt into our arms when we went to get her from the shelter. The sweetest dog on the planet, Phoebe contracted diabetes and went completely blind in a matter of weeks. She doesn't let it slow her down for a second!

Sweet Noelle lived in a small cage outside for her 9 years of living before being removed. Most of her teeth are wittled away from trying to chew her way out of that cage. We call her "hummingbird tail" because it wags so fast! She loves stuffies and kisses all day!


This 14 year old was turned in by a good Samaritan. She is heartworm positive, has mammary tumors, heart disease and arthritis in her back. Despite that, she is wagging her tail, loves snuggles, and bounces for her food! So sweet!

Found wandering the streets with a hunting collar on, this old girl is suffering from liver problems, but she is obsessed with the little people that visit her every weekend and loves a comfy bed!

Our sweet Abby has conquered heartworms and cancer! She is the best bed fluffer you ever saw and she is such a sweetheart!

Little Bailey has chronic pancreatitis- but we are managing with a special diet. He is an affectionate little cuddle bug!

Maggie Mae
This beautiful 15-year-old came to us flea ridden, emaciated, and her fur in a matted mess. Despite her age, she loves playing tug of war and snuggling up to watch tv!

Abandoned by her family who moved and left her behind, she literally leapt into our arms when we went to get her from the shelter. The sweetest dog on the planet, Phoebe contracted diabetes and went completely blind in a matter of weeks. She doesn't let it slow her down for a second!

Found in a parking lot at only 22 lbs, (half her healthy weight), Fancy is living the good life with a comfy spot on the couch and loving belly rubs!

Bonnie was also very underweight when found. This sweet lady just walks slow and taps her nails on the floor like they are stilettos! Did we mention, she beat cancer twice? That's our Bon Bon!

Sweet Noelle lived in a small cage outside for her 9 years of living before being removed. Most of her teeth are wittled away from trying to chew her way out of that cage. We call her "hummingbird tail" because it wags so fast! She loves stuffies and kisses all day!

Krissy is approximately 12 years old and came to us at only 7 lbs. with her hair falling out. She is doing much better now and loving snuggles. Don't be late with her food or she will let you know all about it!

This senior gal is the jetsetter of the bunch. She likes to pack her bags and go whenever possible! At home, she is the designated hall monitor with everything to say when things get crazy!

Half bloodhound, half bassett, and all love! Jolene likes to spend her days playing with her favorite ball (must be the blue one) and asking everyone to throw it or retrieve it from under the couch.

Don't tell this sweetheart she is 13 years old! She has plenty of energy and love to give! You should see her jump! We love this little Papillon's "butterfly" ears! Such a doll!

That adorable underbite and crazy eyes- what can you say about Winnie besides, "Precious." Removed from a traumatic environment, she is loving her new home at Dogwood Acres!
You'd never know this sweetheart had been shot and left in the woods for dead. She is full of love and snuggles all day long!

Although she may be small, Bitsy is definitely the smartest! She loves tricks and treats and is expert at hiding when she senses it is grooming time LOL! Which she needs a lot of!

Found with a hunting collar embedded in her neck, needing 16 teeth pulled from gnawing on wire, and her ear mangled with infection, this sweetheart just wants snuggles and treats all day! Can you tell why her nickname is "Maybelline?"

Autumn was adopted twice and returned to the shelter, and was fighting heartworm disease. She is now heartworm free and works hard around here cleaning everyone's faces and ears!

Ginger is another case of an abandoned hunting dog which is evident by the pellets embedded beneath her skin. Although fearful of every sound, she is just a cuddle bug!

Honey is the town crier! She let's everyone know when it is time to eat, move or breathe with her beagle call! She is full of energy!

Although she is not yet a senior, but rather was a family pet before starting Dogwood Acres, she has important work to do every day cleaning everyone's ears and faces!

Polly Pocket
This sweet senior girl was rescued from being used as a breeder in a puppy mill. Far too old to be having puppies, she came here far along in her pregnancy. That was her last litter, now she finally gets to be babied for the rest of her life.

This playful senior came here after her owner passed. She also helped out at a prison for awhile. Now, she is here to retire and live her best life!

Ladybug came to us when her owner went into Hospice care. This sweet little Lady just defeated cancer! She goes absolutely crazy for toys!

Also a senior rescued from life as a breeder, but from a different puppy mill than Polly. They are glued to each other. After living a life in a cage, this baby craves pets, snuggles, and tummy rubs like no dog I have ever met. Believe me, she gets all the love now!

Gigi is miss popularity and keeps our seniors moving and having fun. Without her, some would never play at all. Gigi's loving and gentle demeanor wins everyone's hearts around here!

Sixteen year old Baby is obsessed with blankets and cuddles! She came with Bailey when their owner passed. Such a sweet girl!

Daphne came to us with skin issues and hair loss but is doing much better now! She is full of personality and just look at that smile!

This tiny but mighty chihuahua may be blind in one eye, but she is still the boss!

Duke lived his whole 14 years outside in a cage. Now he finally has a soft, warm place to enjoy life and he loves it!

Ellie's owner passed and the family left her at a kill shelter. She is safe now and this tiny Chiweenie has a huge personality!